Sunday Matinee (Aug. 31 - Sept. 6)
Not half the price ... just half the work.I compiled Sunday Matinee early this week, just in case Tropical Storm Hanna caused power outages in my area. The outage was only a few hours, so I tried to update it with new links I found yesterday. If I missed anything, it might turn up in next week's installment.
Without further ado...
• James Berardinelli thinks Oscars should not be given posthumously. I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments section.
• Fletch unloads on the devolution of American Movie Classics.
• Nick at Fataculture posts two absolutely great pieces of movie news this week: Bruce Springsteen's original song for Darren Aronofsky's upcoming film The Wrestler; and a link to the new trailer for Gus Van Sant's new film Milk.
• Getafilm – which turned one year old this week! – has 300 words on Elegy.
• The newest addition to my blogroll, The Stop Button, examines King Kong (1933).
• LAMB members vote for their top ten westerns. Individual lists here.
• Roger Ebert says he's always asked, "What's your favorite movie?" So he gives an answer, yet something makes me think people are going to continue asking.
• The Observer of London gives its list for the 50 Greatest Arts Videos on YouTube. The list spans all of the arts, but of interest to film-fanatics might be a six-minute documentary by Martin Scorsese; Samuel Becket's Film; screen tests from Marlene Dietrich, Marlon Brando, and James Dean and Paul Newman. Oh, and Kurt Russell's audition for Star Wars. (Hat Tip: Brian)
And If You Haven't Seen Them Already...
This week on Turner Classic Movies:
• Becket (1964), Sept 7
• Psycho (1960), Sept 7
• Dr. Strangelove (1964), Sept 8
• Mr. Smith Goes To Washington (1939), Sept 8
• Gigi (1958), Sept 11
• Trouble in Paradise (1932), Sept 11
• The Misfits (1961), Sept 13
• Rear Window (1954), Sept 14
• The Country Girl (1954), Sept 14
• In the Heat of the Night (1967), Sept 14
In a way, I sort of think posthumous Oscars are pointless too, but if the person who died actually gave the best performance of the year, it is only fair. This year, for example, if it did go to Heath Ledger and let’s just say his performance was the best in the supporting category in my mind by the end of the year, I’d say it’s far. I think I just contradicted myself. Okay, I think posthumous Oscars are fine then ;)
Oh, and I really need to see Elegy soon.
• Roger Ebert says he's always asked, "What's your favorite movie?"...Well, here goes mine...
#1.All of Alfred Hitchcock's films.
#2."The Maltese Falcon"
#4."The Third Man"
#5."Out of the Past"
Really all the "classic" films that are considered film noir.
Thanks for extending my birthday celebration here.
This Sunday post is becoming a great weekly stop for what's going on!
Another good post as usual. I recently checked out the trailer for MILK and it looked really good. Cant wait for that movie.
I think James Berardinelli's position is mean-spirited and contributes to the commercial juggernaut that is Hollywood. Since Oscars mean a big pay boost to performers (most of whom already make plenty of money), let's be sure they can cash in. Since Oscars help performers bask in glory, let's help them feel good whether they gave the best performance or not.
We all, I think, can admit that the Oscars have very little to do with recognizing the best and all to do with Hollywood trying to boost box office and keep the privileges that go with being in the public eye. I say, "To hell with them."
If they can't see fit to honor Peter O'Toole when he is alive, then screw the actors who will "lose out" on their cut if they honor O'Toole after death. He should have had those benefits during his long and distinguished career and deserves to be remembered as an actor who should have won and Oscar and, finally, got his due for posterity.
Marilyn - That is such an excellent defense of the posthumous Oscar, and moreover, an excellent critique of what seems to be altogether wrong with the Oscars. So often the awards seem to look into the past for the honorary source (James Stewart winning for The Philadelphia Story in 1940 to make up for losing for Mr. Smith Goes To Washington in 1939; Russell Crowe winning for Gladiator in 2000 to mend his loss for The Insider in 1999) to the future (honoring a promising "young" actor by giving them credibility) that they lose sight of who did the best work that year. Your note on O'Toole is apt, but I better stop here or I'll run out of ammunition when I hopefully will write this in column for come February and ceremony time.
Thanks a lot for posting. I really enjoyed your post over at Ferdy On Films with the clips of Dennis Potter.
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