Sunday Matinee (Nov. 9 - Nov. 23)
Not half the price, just half the work.I'm playing catch-up this week, and Sunday Matinee encompasses the last fortnight's worth of material (and there was a lot of it). I should also note this week I received a very nice email from the Library of Congress, thanking me for my nominations for the 2008 National Film Registry. There's still time to submit your films (up to fifty). Track back and I'll collect nominees here.
Without further ado...
• The film that prompted the most reviews in the last few weeks is Quantum of Solace, which should be no surprise to those who caught the LAMB's "who we are poll." (Really, it's hard to believe the majority of the poll respondents who run film blogs are straight white men, ages 26 to 35.) Catch up on what the community thinks of Bond22 with:
¶ Farzan
¶ Bowen's Cinematic
¶ Cinema Viewfinder
¶ Coleman's Corner
¶ The Dancing Image
¶ Getafilm
¶ MovieZeal
¶ YDKS Movies
My wife isn't a big Bond fan, so I'll probably wait until DVD.
• Meanwhile, the Famous Firsts series at Ferdy on Films takes a look at the film that started off the Bond series, Dr. No.
• Fletch has a rundown of all the blogs that participated in the Alphabet Meme. (Read mine here.)
• The Wonders In The Dark Poll for Greatest Film of the 1930s is ... well, I won't give it away. But go here and find out! Then read my review of this essential film.
• Bowen's Cinematic examines Rachel Getting Married.
• By way of Dark City Dame and Alfred Hitchcock Geek, we have information on the new version of The Lodger, which was Alfred Hitchcock's breakthrough film. I'm not sure if I'd call this a remake, since it seems more in line with re-adapating Marie Belloc Lowndes's novel than re-interpreting a specific film. (Anyone have an opinion on whether a re-adapted book is technically a remake?) There's a trailer out too.
• I'm dreadfully envious of this: Cinema Viewfinder takes on The Godfather trilogy. You can read reviews of the first film, Part II, and Part III.
• Assessments of Tex Avery and Stanley Kubrick at The Dancing Image, with reviews of three Avery shorts and Kubrick's The Killing.
• Shawn at Deadpan has a new meme – the ultimate movie man-crush meme – to which I've been invited to participated. I'll see if I can get something up here soon, but hop on over and come up wit your own list, A.S.A.P.
• Daniel at Getafilm and Nick at Fataculture both have reviews of Synecdoche, New York.
• The Film Doctor has some good notes on Twilight and takes some enjoyment at "the vampish humor in its Gothic excess."
• Andrew at The Stop Button has reviews of Ed Wood and Trouble in Paradise.
• Alexander Coleman has reviews of Slumdog Millionaire (which everyone on NPR couldn't stop raving about) and Synecdoche, New York.
And in case you've never seen them...
This week on Turner Classic Movies:
• Witness For The Prosecution (1957), Nov 24
• Rio Grande (1950), Nov 25
• The Westerner (1940), Nov 26
• High Noon (1952), Nov 26
• The African Queen (1951), Nov 26
• West Side Story (1961), Nov 26
• Fiddler on the Roof (1971), Nov 27
• Mildred Pierce (1945), Nov 28
• Sergeant York (1941), Nov 28
• The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946), Nov 29
• Hannah and Her Sisters (1986), Nov 29
• The Bishop's Wife (1947), Nov 30
Another fantastic Sunday Matinee. Thanks again for the notice.
Indeed, thanks again for the link. My write-up of SNY can hardly be called a "review" next to Nick's!
Speaking about Slumdog - it's the best movie I've seen so far this year. Working on my review...
Thanks for the link. I will wait for your man-crush post before writing one since I often look to Screen Savour for guidance in all things film blog-related.
T.S. said,"I'm not sure if I'd call this a remake, since it seems more in line with re-adapating Marie Belloc Lowndes's novel than re-interpreting a specific film." (Anyone have an opinion on whether a re-adapted book is technically a remake?) T.S., Right you are!...Below I have posted a quote from a fellow poster on a message board that I post on and her response(quote) is very similar to your quote.(Btw,I agree with her opinion about films that are re-adapted from novels not being considered a remake.)
darkcitydame ;-)
"To me a remake is a film that is based on another film. Like Psycho (1960) and Psycho (1998). Then you have films that are based on previous material like a book. I wouldn't say these are remakes Peter Pan (1926), Peter Pan (1953), Hook (1991), Peter Pan (2003) but films based on the same story.That's probably why people likes Pride and Prejudice, it really isn't a true remake."
T.S. said,"I should also note this week I received a very nice email from the Library of Congress, thanking me for my nominations for the 2008 National Film Registry."
That's very nice that the National Film Registry, responsed by thanking you for your nominations.
T.S., also said,"There's still time to submit your films (up to fifty). Track back and I'll collect nominees here."
T.S., can my list of 50 films consist of films from...the list of films that have not been inducted list?
#2.Shawn at Deadpan has a new meme – the ultimate movie man/woman-crush meme.
I am in the process of completing Shawn's list.
darkcitydame ;-)
Please ignore my last post!...the answer to my question is posted on their website.
dcd ;-)
"You may vote for these films or for others not yet on this list. But please do vote: films which receive the most support each year are given special consideration during the process by members of the National Film"
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