20 Actors Meme
ac•tor (ăk' ter) » n. A man who acts in a dramatic production.
Tony at Cinema Viewfinder, who kindly tagged me in a 20 Favorite Actresses meme last month, has tagged me in a 20 Favorite Actors meme. (He received his from Dean over at filmicability.) I mentioned last time how it usually takes me forever to complete a meme, if I ever get around to it, but that the actresses came to me easily – so easily, as a matter of fact, that I went ahead and prepared a tentative list for what I knew was coming: men of cinema.
And once again, I suppose convention is slightly my hallmark, as my favorite actors tend to reinforce my film aesthetic (pre-1960 American cinema). Once again, I'll tag my favorite way possible: if you're reading this, you're it. I'll be looking forward to any feedback you have. As a writer who pours himself into his film reviews and labors over every sentence, but who often finds himself without much time at the end of the day, I can't say I'm surprised that blog posts consisting of 90% photos tend to draw the most feedback from readers.
It's all alphabetical, and the images either come from publicity photos or screen-shots.

Humphrey Bogart

Marlon Brando

Charles Chaplin

Joseph Cotten

James Dean

Clint Eastwood

Henry Fonda

Ed Harris

Anthony Hopkins

Jack Lemmon

The Marx Brothers

Marcello Mastrioanni

Robert Mitchum

Bill Murray

Paul Newman

Al Pacino

Gregory Peck

William Powell

Robert Redford

James Stewart
Nice list. I'm surprised De Niro is absent. I thought he was a fait accompli on everybody's list.
I'll link to you on my site.
I'm in total agreement. I might change one or two, but even then it would be hard to decide who to go and who to add. I like how it is a mix of classic and contemporary, comedic and dramatic, old and young.
Hi! T.S.,
There goes your "layers"
being revealed again!...
...Great choices, I 'am quite sure some of the actors that you have selected will be included or at "least" will be "honorably" mentioned on my list!...Ahh! Bogie...
dcd ;-)
@Tony - Thanks for the linkage, man. Re: De Niro... yeah, I don't know what happened there. I really like De Niro, but when I reached twenty, I couldn't give or take any of them. I guess he'd be #21?
@Dead Pan - Thanks. Consider yourself tagged! Maybe you can take a cue from Tony and eliminate the ceiling, do 30 actors, and have a grand time.
@dcd - Ha ha, thanks. I can't wait to read your list.
Very good list, but I think its missing De Niro.
Good list - and great photo of Stewart & his friend.
I suspect quite a few of these will be on my list too.
Bill Murray?!?! sigh. The beneficiary of good movies I think, ala Tom Cruise.
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