Screen Savour's First Anniversary
Today is the first anniversary of Screen Savour. Thanks to all my great subscribers, readers, and commenters. I hope you've enjoyed the last year, and here's to another.
If you'd like to catch up on what I've managed to accomplish in the previous 365 days, please feel free to peruse my archives, available on the right-hand side of your screen. There are complete filmographies of Alfred Hitchcock and Charles Chaplin. The decade list allows you to browse all my full-length reviews and essays available on the site, and for easier navigating, let me to say you'll find films from the 1910s through the 1960s (I haven't begun addressing cinema from the 1970s onward yet). You can check out my five-star reviews in the scroll box, or track my progress through the National Film Registry. There are even some top-ten lists available.
What I haven't loaded into easily navigable will soon find their way into the directory. Until then, thanks again for everyone who visits.
Yes, congratulations for maintaining such high standards this past year! Exemplary work.
You have been a class act from Day 1, and you cover the people and films that we all love dearest in our hearts. You have given of yourself, and we are all that much richer. Thank You and congratulations!
Congrats on keeping up the good work for 365 days (many out there can't do it for a mere thirty!).
Happy blog-a-versary!
Thanks, everyone!
Well, we're practically twins (blogically speaking, of course...)
Happy birthday to Screen Savour
Cheers, T.S., and congrats on a year of really outstanding coverage that has opened many eyes to some of the earliest and most influential films in history!
@MovieMan and Daniel - Thanks a lot!
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