Screen Savour Receives Dardos Award
It's always a nice feeling to win an award. It's a bizarre feeling to win an award you didn't even know existed.
Three people (!) were kind enough to cite my blog among their honorees for a 2008 Premio Dardos Award. I was tagged first by Tony at Cinema Viewfinder, and then tagged simultaneously by Pat at Doodad Kind of Town and Ibetolis at Film for the Soul. Very gracious thanks.
If, like me, you aren't entirely sure what the Dardos Award is, here's a definition: “The Dardos Award is given for recognition of cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing. These stamps were created with the intention of promoting fraternization between bloggers, a way of showing affection and gratitude for work that adds value to the Web.”
I did a little Googling to figure out where this award originated, but discovered nothing. I guess that is just part of its mystique and its allure.
The deal is that once you've been given the award, you should pass it onto five other bloggers. To avoid the snake-eating-its-own-tail effect, my goal is not to tag anyone who Tony, Pat, and Ibetolis previously tagged, which unfortunately excludes a list of great people whose blogs I read on a regular basis. All of their picks are first-class, so if you're looking for a list of whom I also love, you should go over to their sites. I can't promise that any of the people below haven't been tagged for the award already; just not by the trifecta above.
• Bowen's Cinematic – Elegant, thoughtful reviews on one of the most well-designed film blogs out there.
• Getafilm – Daniel's blog was among the first I started reading when I ventured out into the cool, blue waters of online film criticism. He is a tremendous source of contemporary reviews, and if you ever check out how hoppin' his site is, you know that, like, everyone thinks so.
• The Powerstrip – Joseph "Jon" Lanthier is a regular contributor to Bright Lights Film Journal, its companion blog, and Slant Magazine, but you owe to yourself to also make your way to his personal site, where his erudite essays are bound to engage you. (Also, do they make readers better than this guy? I'm not sure.)
• The Stop Button – There's no predicting which film Andrew will select next – from the beginning to cinema to this week's releases, from high-brow to low-brow, spanning all genres – but the choices, and his astute reviews, never disappoint.
• Wonders in the Dark – Sam Juliano moderates this stellar blog, which since its inception has produced a staggering amount of good work. Part of the credit there goes to his partner-in-criticism, Allan Fish, whose countdowns of the best films of the 1930s and 1940s (and currently 1950s) make this blog a regular stop for me.
And ... I have to include a sixth one. Sorry, I know I'm breaking the rules. Deadpan, run by a terrific guy named Shawn, is a site I'm checking out everyday with fingers crossed for new content. He is a devotee of cinema in pretty much every way I can imagine, and he has some sharp reviews of modern cinema up, not to mention an Alfred Hitchcock series. What I'm really looking forward to is his upcoming film studies series, beginning first with the form of the documentary.
I'm both honored and humbled to have been numbered among these fine writers even as a kind of contingency choice (my site being so new on the block), particularly since I've been experiencing heavy film blog overload during the last week or so. Within this community alone we are currently self-publishing more text on movies than a single individual can absorb in realtime, and that doesn't even take into consideration more traditional outlets for film criticism and journalism, many of which are still worth remaining aware of (especially The New Yorker, Film Comment, Sight and Sound, etc, etc). There's something both staggering and sweet in that, if you ax me.
But, your "reader" note towards me is interesting, because I've found that it's thus far been more rewarding (and challenging) to comment on other sites and engage in conversation in that capacity than it is to defend my own theoretical borders -- which can get frightfully tiring for anyone, let alone a writer without much confidence in what he has to say. Anyhow, if there's any proof needed that we're among a new literary generation I offer this: if I'm ever asked to compile and publish a selection of my best work (ha!), over a third of the book will be blog comments.
Oh, and though you certainly don't me to say so, you're absolutely deserving of the accolades, TS. I'm always pleased when I awake to find my RSS feed for Screen Savour lit in orange, heralding fresh content.
Hi! T.S.,
Wow!...I didn't even know that you received 3 Premio Dardos Awards.
That is great news!...Personally, I think that you deserve all 3 (Especially, for your coverage of director Alfred Hitchcock ) and maybe "more" who knows?!?...
...and I also want to "congratulate" most definitely, all the other bloggers that you in turned awarded the Premio Dardos Award.(I'am quite sure that "they all are" very deserving, of the Premio Dardos Award.(especially, the 6th awardee!)
Now, I digress...Well, somewhat?!?
There is this artist name Christopher Stott, who live in Canada and he gave me his "blessing(s)" to feature his beautiful "Wyeth-inspired" ("Wyeth-inspired" are my words, but of course!...)paintings on my blog(s)...
...I bet you, are thinking right about now where is this all leading to?!?...Well,if you take a look at the link below you will see that his painting kind of look
like...Well, you figure it out?!? haha!
DarkCityDame ;-)
Hi! T.S.,
Oops!...The "link" that I "linked" in my previous post "links" back to Rick's blog from over there at Coosa Creek Cinema.
Because I also "linked" this "link" on his (Rick's) blog. Yeech!
(On Rick's blog.
My comment is comment No#3...)
DCD ;-)
T.S. said,"I did a little Googling to figure out where this award originated, but discovered nothing. I guess that is just part of its mystique and its allure."
T.S., Once you click on the "link" in my previous post, and read Rick's review you, will find out where the Premio Dardos Award
DCD ;-)
Congratulations for winning the Dardos Award multiple times. Screen Savour fully deserves it. I look forward to your upcoming post on Psycho especially.
Many thanks, T.S., and congrats. You were definitely deserving of one of these! All the best in your writing this year, and glad our paths have crossed online!
Congratulations to you T.S. for your double mention! You and your wonderful site do deserve the highest accolades for completing a fabulous year filled with top-rank film criticism. Your Chaplin series and ongoing Hitchcock treatment are the best -respectively- on those directors that has yet been done. As always I will keep an avid eye on what further magic you will accomplish in 2009.
In behalf of Allan Fish I want to thank you profusely for your citing of Wonders in the Dark on this short-list. We are both deeply honored to be in such company as efferevescent Dan getahun and that internet scholar, Joseph Jon Lanthier, not to mention that lovely man and writer, Chuck Bowen, who indeed has a beautifully-designed site. And the others i will become more familiar with.
Best Wishes for 2009 and always!
@Jon: Pish-posh – you're not a contingency choice! Your blog, however new, is worthy; in fact, I relished the idea of not reusing anyone previously awarded among the fifteen others because it allowed me to say a few words about people out there who I respect. In other words, if I could have recycled nominees, I'd just have said thanks for the award and pointed people at my blogroll.
Your point about blog comments being a third of a book is really great, too. You're a great reader, and morally superior to me because you tirelessly write great comments. I have comment-phobia, and I'd much rather just shout-out great writing in my Sunday Matinee feature. For someone who professes to be a critic, I'm rather shy at being combative or lauding in the comments section.
@dcd: Hey, thanks for the info. That seems to explain a lot, and I particularly like that photographic portrait of a typewriter.
@FilmDr: Thanks a lot. Naturally I have the highest respect for your writing and your site, and if someone hadn't beaten me to it, you'd have been among an excessively over-flowing honoree list. I'm taking deep breaths as I prepare to tackle Psycho. Like Rear Window and Vertigo before it, I'm worried about getting my thoughts perfectly in order. It should be published within the next few weeks.
@Daniel: Thanks! I hope to be more engaged in 2009's releases than I was with 2008's, so hopefully we'll have plenty to discuss in a good year of writing.
@Sam: No thanks necessary. I was excited when you launched Wonders in the Dark, and it has not disappointed. But thanks for your kind words and, as always, your attention to my writing.
Great achievement being Dardo'd on multiple occasions, TS.
Hey TS---This probably seems silly, but thanks a lot for adding a sixth slot for me. You are an excellent writer, and to be recognized by someone I admire is really heartwarming.
@Alexander - Thanks so much. Of course Coleman's Corner would have received a shout-out here, but unsurprisingly, someone praised you first. Ha.
@Shawn - No thanks needed, sir. You're going good work, and this Dardos Award (for whatever it's worth, it's so prevalent) is good for the same reason a top-ten list is good: to get people to see these things we love. And I hope people take advantage of that and go visit.
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